
Get on the WaitList!

When you first discover your husband has betrayed you, you are completely shattered. You are overwhelmed, dismayed, feelings of hopelessness arise, and you don’t know which way to turn. You don’t know who to talk to. What are your next steps? 

Well beautiful, I want to help you with that. I have created a new course just for you.

“HE BETRAYED ME! Now What???”

I wish I would’ve had this course the day I found out. It would have helped me to navigate the murky waters of betrayal trauma easier. I would have had my first few steps to take after discovery. 

I know what it’s like beautiful. I don’t want you to flounder the way I did. So, add your name and email, click on the link and in 2 weeks, you'll receive all the info to purchase this 6 week course. Everything you need to begin your healing journey from the devastation of his affair.

I’m cheering you on beautiful!


What’s included?

Through this 6 week course, you’ll learn:

  1. What has happened to you - it’s called betrayal trauma
  2. The different stages of betrayal and how to identify which stage you are in.
  3. How to establish your safety plan so you can begin healing from a place of stability. 
  4. How to develop your support system - who do you allow in your circle moving forward - How to identify your safe people
  5. What are triggers and how to gain control over them so they no longer control you
  6. All things Boundaries - what they are, why you need them, how to set them, what to do if they are not respected, the types of boundaries, and more.
  7. How trauma affects the brain and body - techniques to help you heal
  8. Next Steps


You’ll walk away with a better understanding of what betrayal trauma really is, how to create safety for yourself, you’ll know what triggers are and gain control over them, you will be able to establish clear healthy boundaries for yourself and you’ll know what techniques to use to help rewire your brain and release trauma from your body after betrayal. 


SO IF YOU'RE READY to leave the devastation of betrayal behind and begin your healing journey then your time is now beautiful!


The course launches April 3rd!  If you want to be the first to get in, I have opened up the wait list just for you.  Prior to the launch you will receive an email with ALL the information you will need to purchase.


I'm so excited to bring this course to you!


Stay Tuned...

XO ~ Lisa 
